Dickinson's offers 5 popular publications:
FDAWebview is your online source for timely, accurate and impartial news and analysis about health-care products and marketing activities regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Continually updated, you will find the latest regulatory decisions, Warning Letters, news updates, product filings, approvals, marketing intelligence and coverage of other topics of interest complete with hypertext links to supporting documentation, official documents and related topics.
FDAReview is a weekly newsletter devoted to ...
In-depth analyses of FDA actions and the Medical Device/Drug industry
FOI daily logs
FDA warning letter summaries
FDA inspection analyses by ex-FDA Denver District Director John Scharmann
FDA enforcement trend analyses
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device news-in-brief
FDAUpdate: is a weekly FAX document containing ...
Free FAX resource documents
Federal Register updates pertaining to FDA rules and regulations
Just-released FDA warning letters
Weekly Citizen Petitions filed with the FDA
FDA Advisory Committee proceedings and calendar
Late-breaking FDA and pharmaceutical product news